The unreasonable effectiveness
“There’s something magical about Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)” Andrej Karapthy. Such statement is not very settling for me. How for a software engineer to write a test case for something magical! I don’t think we can afford to treat a ML model as a black box. Machine Learning Interpretability is crucial.
Humble machines
“All men by nature desire to know…” Aristotle. To be wise is to admit that you don’t know, you are not sure, that is to take probabilities into account! If we want machines to be wise, that is to exhibit intelligence, then machines should admit its ignorance! For me, computer programs written with a fixed heuristic set of rules are only stupid, those which send their feedback with a shy confidence are way more intelligent.
Full-Text Search vs Question-Answering
You are successful in building an NLP Question-Answering system when you find it exhibiting the behavior of a full-text search that takes into account the meaning of the words in your query and the documents you’re searching.
The MVP of Machine Learning Models
The lean startup MVP applies nicely to Machine Learning software products, when we start we try to find our MVP of the models, which is the simplest, the most understandable, and the most economically built, we call it the baseline, we learn from that, then we either preserve or pivot.
The ChatGPT Moment
February 20, 20023 Today my son Amr has helped me gain access to ChatGPT through VPNs and a fake phone number and email..etc, unfortunalty we “the third world” are not on the radar of OpenAI, smile and say Open again! nevertheless, I was impressed, bitterly impressed, this is definitely one of those moments that define the coming future, it reminds me of google 1998, and iPhone 2007 moments.